Guruji conducted Rudrabhisheka today on 1st day of Chaitra Shukla
Paksha according to Indian Calender. This is the first day of the New
Year. At the end of puja Bhanu Didi went on stage to do Aarati of
Guruji and a devotee started singing 'Abhayam Abhayam Amma Amma"
Gradually Guruji came into BHAVA with a gentle deep smile on face and
Abhaya Mudra. After the Aarati some naration was made from Panchang by
Guruji spoke:
" We are entering into 5110 year of Krishna calender and 2066 year of
Vikrama Samvata. These are Moon and Sun based ancient Calenders
followed in India. This year is named as 'Virodhi" year from the cycle
of 60 years.
But who ever is a Devotee and Spiritual practitioner, this year will
not prove to be Virodhi. This year the devotees and Spiritual people
must give top priority to Meditation and spiritual practices as
compared to Material goals. Few percent of Devotees and Spiritual
person's practices will not only protect them but bring Peace and
Prosparity to all the other people.
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